Recycling of bamboo remaining materials for carbon fixation and pest management of biting midge.

  • Publication Date: 2023-03-01
Application Dept. Academy of Circular Economy
Principal Investigator Asst. Prof. Nai-Wen Tsao
Project Title Recycling of bamboo remaining materials for carbon fixation and pest management of biting midge.
Co-Principal Investigator Asst. Prof. Cheng-Kang Tang, Asst. Prof. Jia-Yin Lin
Abstract This project is focusing on preparing biochar derived from bamboo remaining materials for adsorption of emitted CO2. After purification and concentration of CO2, it can be employed in supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) to extract the components from bamboo leaves. This work attempts to figure out the volatile components which can massively attract Forcipomyia taiwana (biting midge). Via attracting F. taiwana with scents, we can directly capture adults by the modified trap. This strategy could reduce the density of adults, interrupt the mating behavior, and decrease the amount of laying eggs. With this concept, we will carry out an environmental-friendly pest control.