Execution Methods | This study integrated empirical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to examine the multi-scaled hydrodynamic principles of olfaction of blue shark Prionace glauca. Life-size models were reconstructed from the 3D scanning of the head, and the micro-computerized tomographs (micro-CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the nasal cavity. |
Performance Evaluation | 1. CFD results show that: (1) At higher swimming speeds, the pressure difference between the two nares also increases, facilitating passive odorant entrance and continuous sampling. (2) Within the lamellate nasal cavity, the velocity and pressure are varying mainly in the outer zone, while diffusion occurs in the static inner zone. 2. 2D microfluidic model visualization shows that: When the flow rate increases, the odorants begin to show spatial distribution patterns, implying chromatographic effects as well as the potential “somatotopic map” and “stereo-senses” of olfaction as the shark performs head yaws during swimming. |
Conclusion & Suggestion | 1. Conclusions: The biomechanical mechanisms revealed in this study not only help us understand how sharks detect and locate distant preys while swimming, but also provide insights for future biomimicry design of chemical detection. 2. Publication: Poster presentation (The Flow Dynamic Investigation at Blue Shark’s Olfactory Organs Using CFD) at the 36th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 7-8th 2019. 3. Future perspectives/ plans: Both PIs have applied 2020 MOST Individual Grants on inflow biomechanics, and microfluidic dynamics. We plan to apply MOST Integrated Research Grant in the future with inter-institutional and international collaborations; aspects of neural sciences and biosensors will be included. |
Appendix |