Application Dept. |
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
Principal Investigator |
Asst. Prof. Bluest Lan ( Personal Webpage ) |
Project Title |
Insect Odour Tracking Behaviour and Electroantennogram Analysis |
Co-Principal Investigator |
Dept. of Entomology Asst. Prof. Ching-Wen Tan |
Co-Investigator |
Abstract |
The sense of smell is crucial for living creatures as it helps them locate food and water and communicate with others. This ability also has various applications in robotics. However, due to the presence of other gas molecules and the inability to directly observe the distribution of target odours, it is still unclear how animals locate the odour sources amidst environmental disturbances. This study adopts a biomimetic approach to investigate the movement strategies in odour tracking through biological observations and cross-validation with a drone, providing insights into the underlying behavioural mechanisms. |