
  • 刊登日期: 2022-02-24
申請系所(單位) 材料科學與工程學系
計畫主持人 薛涵宇 副教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 氧化鋅柱摻雜奈米銀之皺褶表面製備表面增強拉曼散射元件提高農藥檢測靈敏度
計畫名稱(英文) Fabrication of Wrinkled Surfaces Composed of Ag/ZnO Nanorods as SERS-Active Devices for Detection of Pesticides
共同主持人 洪爭坊 助理教授 / 植物病理學系
中文摘要 本實驗擬開發一新穎且靈敏的表面增強拉曼散射(surface-enhanced Raman scattering, SERS)元件,以氧化鋅柱摻雜奈米銀之皺褶表面達到快速且精確地偵測環境中的微量農藥殘留及環境賀爾蒙。表面增強拉曼散射(SERS)是一種無需標記又具有靈敏度的檢測技術,可在不破壞分析物的情況下,同時且快速地分辨多種化學成分及微量元素的檢測技術,廣泛的應用在細菌分類、腫瘤辨識、殘留毒化物檢測及食品安全等。本研究利用聚苯乙烯熱縮片(PS)為基材,擬利用水熱法在熱縮片上長出奈米柱狀氧化鋅(ZnO),隨後將基板浸泡在硝酸銀溶液中,透過加熱或照射紫外光在ZnO奈米柱表面還原出銀(Ag)奈米粒子,形成Ag/ZnO奈米複合結構的SERS活性基板;進一步加熱,使具有預應力之PS熱縮片收縮,在表面形成皺褶結構,其皺褶化表面可使ZnO奈米柱互相穿插,使得相鄰Ag奈米粒子能更靠近進而產生更多立體均勻分布的熱點。此製程無須昂貴真空設備與有機溶劑,具低成本且環境友善之特性,此材料組合幾乎不受光熱或光化學反應的影響, 且氧化鋅的光降解特性可清除元件上殘餘的檢測分子,達到可重複利用、訊號可靠且快速檢測的目標。
英文摘要 In this study, we try to create a novel and sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) device, composed of wrinkled surfaces with ZnO nanorods doped with Ag nanoparticles, for quick and accurate detection of pesticides and hormones in the environment. SERS has been explored as a powerful technique for tracing and monitoring dynamic molecular processes. A ZnO precursor solutions will be coated onto the PS sheet, followed by hydrothermal method to obtain ZnO rods. After photoreduction method to reduce silver nanoparticles, ZnO nanorods decorated with Ag nanoparticles on a PS sheet will be synthesized. Through further thermal treatment for dynamic thermal contraction process, wrinkled PS with ZnO nanorods doped with Ag nanoparticles should be generated, serving as wrinkled Ag/ZnO SERS-active devices. Combination of electromagnetic enhancement of Ag nanoparticles and charge transfer effect of ZnO, the wrinkled Ag/ZnO SERS-active devices should give good SERS enhancement effect and higher sensitivity. In addition, the 3D wrinkled structure can provide high-density hotspots, compared with 2D thin film structure. It is expected that the wrinkled Ag/ZnO SERS-active devices will possess excellent SERS properies, such as high sensitivity, stability and reusability.