動物科學系 林怡君助理教授-建置乳牛牛蹄一般與功能修整教學用替代模型

  • 刊登日期: 2024-01-17
申請系所(單位) 動物科學系
計畫主持人 林怡君 助理教授
計畫名稱(中文) 建置乳牛牛蹄一般與功能修整教學用替代模型
計畫名稱(英文) Cow Claw Model: Advancing General and Functional Trimming Practices and Replacing Animal Experimentation
共同主持人 1.材料科學與工程學系-曾文甲教授 2.動物科學系-王建鎧副教授
協同主持人 獸醫學系-陳鵬文教授
中文摘要 根據統計顯示,跛蹄為台灣乳牛非自願淘汰的主要原因之一,不僅嚴重影響乳牛的生產效能,還可能對動物福祉造成嚴重傷害。全球乳牛跛足的盛行率介於 17% 到 35% 之間,造成跛蹄的因素繁多,其中超過90%是由蹄部病變引起的,突顯了牛蹄維護的重要性。 傳統上,修蹄工作需要專業知識和實踐經驗,而直接在活體牛隻上進行訓練存在諸多挑戰,包括獲得訓練用牛隻的困難、場地條件的多變性、以及牛隻行為的不可預測性。因此,這項計畫旨在開發一套牛蹄修整模型,以幫助畜牧人員和獸醫學生掌握修蹄技能。 牛蹄模組開發的技術重點包括確保解剖構造和相對位置的正確性,材質設計以接近真實牛蹄的硬度與韌度,並採用可替換模組設計以因應不同的教學需求。 這套教學用牛蹄模型不僅可以用於教育和訓練,還可以成為研究和發展的平台,推動蹄部健康照護的研究和創新,並符合實驗動物福祉的政策方向。其獨創性和功能性預期將引起國際關注,滿足全球畜牧和獸醫學校的需求,並促進國際合作和交流。最終,此計畫將有助於提高動物健康照護和教育水準,並為未來開發更多專業動物教學模組奠定基礎。
英文摘要 Based on statistics, lameness is one of the primary reasons for the involuntary culling of dairy cows in Taiwan. Not only does it significantly impact the production efficiency of dairy cows, but it can also cause serious harm to animal welfare. The global prevalence of lameness in dairy cows ranges between 17% and 35%, with over 90% of cases caused by hoof lesions, highlighting the importance of hoof trimming. Traditionally, hoof trimming requires specialized knowledge and practical experience. Direct training on live cattle presents multiple challenges, including the difficulty of obtaining training animals, the variability of site conditions, and the unpredictability of cattle behaviour. Therefore, this project aims to develop a hoof-trimming model to assist stockpersons and veterinary students in mastering hoof-trimming skills. The technical focal points in developing the hoof module include ensuring the accuracy of anatomical structure and relative position, designing materials to closely match the hardness and toughness of real cow hooves, and incorporating replaceable modules to cater to various teaching needs. This educational hoof model is useful for education and training and serves as a platform for research and development, advancing studies and innovations in hoof health care. It aligns with policies on the welfare of experimental animals. The uniqueness and functionality of this model are expected to attract international attention, meeting the needs of global livestock and veterinary schools and fostering international cooperation and exchange. Ultimately, this project will contribute to enhancing the standard of animal health care and education and lay the foundation for developing more professional animal teaching modules in the future.