
  • 刊登日期: 2021-02-09
申請系所(單位) 植物病理學系
計畫主持人 張碧芳 教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 整合應用多枝花狀氧化鋅與農用藥劑干擾與控制植物病原真菌之抗藥性
計畫名稱(英文) Integrated application of multibranched flower-like zinc oxide and agricultural chemicals to interrupt and control the antifungal resistance of phytopathogens
共同主持人 1. 薛涵宇 副教授 / 材料系 2. 賴千蕙 助理教授 / 生醫工程研究所
協同主持人 張道禾 博士後研究員 / 植物病理學系
中文摘要 真菌病原菌抗藥性 (Antifungal resistance) 的發生會造成慣行農用藥劑失效,因此對現行農業栽培造成相當嚴重的危害,如何尋求新型防治方法降低病原菌抗藥性產生同時提升現行農業藥劑的防治效能,是現今農業病害防治上之重要課題。奈米科技可提供作物病害防治新的方法,奈米氧化鋅在前人研究中發現其具有抗菌之功效,同時也具有促進植物生長之效果。為更進一步開發該材料在農業上之應用,本研究團隊前期利用水熱法合成多枝花狀氧化鋅 (Multibranched flower-like zinc oxide),且發現多枝花狀氧化鋅對真菌病原菌有明顯抑制生長之特性,掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察的結果中發現該材料對真菌細胞表面造成機械性破壞,有別於其他農用藥劑的化學殺菌特性,多枝花狀氧化鋅或可提供更多型態的抗菌機制,對於提高具抗藥性植物病原真菌對農藥的感受性多有助益。因此,本計畫將探討如何應用多枝花狀氧化鋅混合農業藥劑防治具抗藥性的植物病原真菌菌株,同時確認該材料是否可以回復農用藥劑抗菌的效能,最後探討該應用的機理為並為後續之材料開發提供新的理論基礎。
英文摘要 The occurrence of antifungal resistance of fungal phytopathogens reduces the effectiveness of agricultural fungicides, thus causing severe damages to agriculture. Therefore, novel methods for alleviating the antifungal resistance and increasing fungicides′ efficiency are important topics for current disease control in agriculture. Nanotechnology could be a potential solution for novel methods. Nano zinc oxide has been reported with antimicrobial activity on phytopathogens and beneficial effects on plants. In our research, we obtained the multibranched flower-like zinc oxide particles through hydrothermal synthesis. Previous research on the particles has demonstrated their significant inhibition on plant fungal pathogens. Using scanning electron microscopy, we also confirmed that the particles cause mechanical damages on fungal cell surface. The physical damages on pathogens by the particles, which are different from chemical inhibition by fungicides, provide extra property for antimicrobials. Thus the particles may be used for controlling the phytopathogens with antifungal resistance. Therefore, this project aims to apply the multibranched flower-like zinc oxide particles with fungicides to control fungal phytopathogens. We will examine the antifungal effect of the combination of particles and fungicide on antifungal resistant pathogens. Moreover, the modes of actions will be uncovered to develop more effective fungicides or novel disease control methods in the future.