
  • 刊登日期: 2021-02-09
申請系所(單位) 國際農學碩士學位學程
計畫主持人 高木知芙美 助理教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 臺灣南投縣農業之文化生態系服務
計畫名稱(英文) Cultural Ecosystem Services of Agriculture in Nantou County in Taiwan
共同主持人 1. 趙國容 副教授 / 國際農學碩士學程 2. 陳玟瑾 副教授 / 國際農企業學士學程 3. Kim, Man-Keun / 應用經濟系, 猶他州立大學
中文摘要 因應世界不斷增長的人口,糧食問題無疑是最緊迫的問題之一。如何透過生態系服務(ecosystem service; 如供給(食品)、支持、調節和文化)的強化,以兼顧解決糧食問題與維護生態系統為本研究著重之議題。台灣地區在高度都市發展的趨勢下,已經威脅到農業用地在農業生產與生態系服務之功能。要找出因應前述威脅之策略,其中一個可能的方式即是施行保護農業生態系服務之政策,亦即由消費者支付農民所提供的生態系服務。本研究著重在較常被忽略的農民所提供的文化生態系服務,透過調查台灣南投地區消費者的願付價格,來估計農業的文化生態系服務。同時,並調查農民願意接受補償以維護文化生態系服務之意願。本研究預期之結果為:1)計算文化生態系服務之價值以及影響這些價值的因素,如社會經濟變量; 2)計算增進農地永續性或維持有機耕作的額外成本; 3)提出有潛力協助維護農地面積的政策。
英文摘要 Enhancing sustainable Ecosystem Services (ES) such as provisioning (food), supporting, regulating and cultural services, is important because balancing the need to provide enough food for a growing population while maintaining ES is arguably one of the most pressing issues. It is typically important for Taiwan as agricultural land under substantial and increasing urban development pressures which are threats to the preservation of agriculture and ES. Implementing ES conservation strategies on farms is a key to identify possible solutions. One approach for accomplishing this is that consumers pay the price to farmers for ES provided by farmers. This study focuses on cultural ES as it has been overlooked and therefore tries to estimate willingness to pay to cultural ES using consumers’ survey. In addition, this study estimates willingness to accept by farmers for ecological compensation to maintain cultural ES using farmers’ survey in Nantou County, Taiwan. Expected results are: 1) Values of cultural ES and factors affecting these values such as socio-economic variables, 2) additional cost to improve sustainability of farmland/cropland or to maintain organic farming, and 3) potential government policies sustain farmland/cropland.