化學工程學系 朱哲毅副教授-合成與鑑定薑黃素聚胺基甲酸脂奈米薄膜及其於傷口敷料之應用

  • 刊登日期: 2023-02-20
申請系所(單位) 化學工程學系
計畫主持人 朱哲毅副教授
計畫名稱(中文) 合成與鑑定薑黃素聚胺基甲酸脂奈米薄膜及其於傷口敷料之應用
計畫名稱(英文) Synthesis and Characterization of Curcumin-Based Polyurethane Nanofilms towards Application for Wound Dressings
共同主持人 1. 徐維莉教授兼所長, 微生物暨公共衛生研究所 2. 陳奕君副教授, 森林學系
中文摘要 過去全世界製藥產業主要依賴開發新藥並取得專利、進而獲利之模式,有鑑於近年來新藥研發經費高漲且量能不足,目前上市藥品亦面對專利過期的壓力,並考量一個成功新藥從開發到上市平均需耗費10-15年,開發成本高達數億美元,過程須面對臨床應用、解盲失敗或其他副作用等風險;此外,美國食品藥品監督管理局核准通過新藥產品數量有逐年下降趨勢,或發現上市藥品副作用以及其他藥害等事件發生。因而舊藥開發運用為目前使用趨勢,如既有藥品以新劑型、新使用途徑或新適應症等較低風險方向進行發展,藉此累積生醫製藥之人才和資金,並以其中開發新劑型藥物為藥物研發之近年主流趨勢。本研究以薑黃素為原料,其來源為薑黃的根莖,具有抗菌、抗發炎、預防和抑制腫瘤等功能,故本計畫將建立薑黃素奈米結構聚胺基甲酸酯材料應用於傷口藥物釋放控制之技術平台。首先合成符合生物相容性之薄膜,並製備含藥傷口敷料,並以體內或體外之生物實驗驗證薑黃敷料之效用,並同時以小角度X光散射鑑定其奈米結構特性,本研究目的為深入探討奈米結構對藥物控制釋放速率之關鍵效應,建立最佳化奈米結構之釋放參數,以降低動物試驗犧牲數目。整體主軸乃結合高分子物理與化學技術以拓展及探究生醫材料之跨領域應用。
英文摘要 The global pharmaceutical industry is mainly relied on the model of developing new drugs along with obtaining patents and then commercialization. However, it encounters several challenges in recent years, including high funding for the new drug development, an average of 10 to 15 years to be taken for a new drug from development to marketing, and the patent expiration of drugs which are on the market. Moreover, the number of new drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, USA, is declined over the years due to the risks, such as failure to clinical applications and blinded trials, and other side effects. Hence, an alternatively drug repurposing strategy is evolved. For instance, the drug repurposing endowed with new formulation, new delivery system or new indication becomes the leading tendency by the consideration of low risks. In particular, the mode of developing new formulation is now the mainstream trend for talent accumulation in the field of biomedical engineering. This project aims to use curcumin (which can be extracted from the turmeric rhizome) as the model drug, due to its well-recognized as GRAS (Generally Recognize as Safe) and versatile bioactivities including antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory property, anti-microbes, and anti-tumors, etc. We will establish a technology platform for synthesis of the curcumin-based polyurethane nanofilms towards application in wound dressings with drug delivery control. To this end, several materials will be synthesized; initially the biocompatible polyurethane nanofilms, and then the curcumin-carrying wound dressings. Second, the effect of curcumin-carrying wound dressings will be tested in mouse model and small ruminant models. Moreover, the different levels of structures in the biocompatible polyurethane nanofilms will be characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Based on this technology platform, the correlation of nanostructures with the drug release mechanism of curcumin-based polyurethane nanofilm system will be investigated, and through which drug formulation could be optimized that ultimately lead to reducing the number of sacrifices in animal experiments. Overall, this project involves in the interdisciplinary research including polymer physics and chemistry for applications in the development of new biomedical materials.