動物科學系 唐品琦教授-非侵入性電阻抗雞胚性別鑑定技術之開發與驗證

  • 刊登日期: 2023-03-01
申請系所(單位) 動物科學系
計畫主持人 唐品琦教授
計畫名稱(中文) 非侵入性電阻抗雞胚性別鑑定技術之開發與驗證
計畫名稱(英文) Establishment and verification of an impendence-based non-invasive in ovo sexing method
共同主持人 生醫工程研究所 程德勝教授 動物科學系 王建鎧副教授
中文摘要 全球蛋雞產業目前在經營管理與動物福祉上的主要挑戰之一,即在於第一天孵化的雛公雞因不具經濟價值而必需淘汰,從而衍生性別鑑定、淘汰營運程序等成本支出,以及犧牲每年約七百萬隻數量雛公雞的福祉爭議。本研究基於此一產業需求,嘗試開發蛋內性別鑑測技術,在孵化期間就篩選出不同性別之受精雞蛋,並移除攜帶公雞受精蛋,以解決此一問題。前人研究曾指出孵化期蛋內內容物隨著不同性別雞胚發育代謝物具差異變化,故推測其可能導致導電特性與相關電容參數因而有所不同,而此差異或許可透過於蛋殼表面不同位置設置之電極偵測並分析電容訊號後,鑑別受精蛋性別。初期試驗結果指出,特定位置電極之安置,可於孵化第九天區分出不同性別之孵化蛋,且分析結果具統計差異性。本計畫延續此一初期結果,擴大使用三種不同常見蛋雞品系進行跨品系鑑別率測試,以瞭解此一方法的產業應用價值,同時進行發育生物學模式分析,試圖釐清不同性別雞胚發育過程之生理調控因子與組成變化,以解釋此一電學特性呈現與雞胚發育過程之學理關係。
英文摘要 One of the major challenges in the management and animal welfare of the global poultry industry is that the young male chicks hatched on the first day must be eliminated because of no economic value. Therefore, the costs of sexing on the day-old chicks and culling the male chicks would increase the expense. Furthermore, sacrifice of near 7 million of male chicks every year causes a big issue of animal welfare. Due to the industrial requirement, this study aims to develop a non-invasive sexing technique to remove the male fertilized eggs in order to solve this problem. It has been reported that the metabolites during the embryonic development differ based on the gender of chicken embryos. We speculate that the difference of metabolites might result in various electrical conductivity and related impedance parameters, which might be detected by the electrodes attached to each egg shell at different positions to sex the embryos. Our preliminary study results showed that the impedance data collected from four electrode sets indicated significant difference between male and female chicken embryos incubated on Day 9. Therefore, the industrial application value of impedance spectroscopy on sexing chicken embryos would be further elucidated by evaluation on different strains of chicken. Additionally, detail analyses on physiological regulatory factors and changes of composition in egg during embryonic development would be conducted in this project in order to reveal the relationship of electrical characteristics and the development of chicken embryos.