化學工程學系 姜文軒副教授-開發先進有機半導體奈米粒子應用於抗癌及抗菌

  • 刊登日期: 2023-02-20
申請系所(單位) 化學工程學系
計畫主持人 姜文軒 副教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 開發先進有機半導體奈米粒子應用於抗癌及抗菌
計畫名稱(英文) Development of advanced organic semiconductor nanoparticles for anticancer and antimicrobial applications
共同主持人 陳禮弘 助理教授/植物病理學系 劉恒睿 助理教授/材料工程學系
中文摘要 為了發展能有效應用於抗癌及抗菌的新型光敏劑,本計畫之初步目標為合成異質結構(Bulk heterojunction)之有機半導體奈米粒子,並在光線照射下產生活性氧化物質ROS。異質結構之有機半導體光電材料原本應用於有機太陽能光伏電池 (Organic photovoltaic),並以施體(Donor,提供電子之材料)以及受體(acceptor,接受電子之材料)混合成異質結構之吸收層,若使用施體PM6及受體Y6置備成太陽能電池,其寬廣的光吸收範圍(350nm-900nm)使有機太陽能光伏電池之光電轉換效率提升至18%。而在近兩年有研究團隊更將此有機半導體光電材料PM6:Y6置備成異質結構之有機半導體奈米粒子,可以光生電子的壽命從毫秒提升至秒(1000倍提升),並運用於光產氫的應用中。受此工作的啟發,本實驗團隊提出若採用有機半導體奈米粒子作為介質,或可利用特定波長的光照方式來控制動植物體內ROS的濃度,以達到抑制真菌成長或是癌細胞增殖的效果。且因有機半導體奈米粒子具有以下特性如 (1) 寬廣的吸收範圍,使激發光的選擇更有彈性。比如NIR的光更能深入皮膚。(2) 有機半導體多以碳、氮等無毒元素所組成,對人體及植物較無危害。(3) 長時間存活的光生電子壽命,使光生成ROS反應的效率提升,而更有潛力開發為光生成ROS反應之材料。
英文摘要 In order to develop new photosensitizers for anticancer and antibacterial applications, the goal of this project is to synthesize organic semiconductor nanoparticles that have a heterogeneous structure and can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) under light irradiation. Organic semiconductor optoelectronic materials with heterostructures were originally used in organic solar photovoltaic cells. When the donor PM6 and acceptor Y6 were used to prepare solar cells, the wide light absorption range (350-900 nm) significantly increased the photoelectric conversion efficiency of organic solar photovoltaic cells to 18 %. Inspired by this work, our team proposed that the organic semiconductor nanoparticles could be used as the medium to control the concentration of ROS in animals and plants by using light of specific wavelengths, thus inhibiting the growth of fungi and the proliferation of cancer cells. Moreover, the organic semiconductor nanoparticles exhibit the following characteristics including (1) wide absorption range capable of endowing the selection of excitation light more flexible, e.g. NIR light penetrates deeper into the skin, (2) organic semiconductors mostly composed of non-toxic elements such as carbon and nitrogen, being relatively harmless to humans and plants, and (3) the promoted efficiency of the photo-triggered ROS reaction due to long-lived photo-triggered electron lifetime, thus showing potential to be developed as materials for photo-elicited ROS.