農藝學系 邱琬貽助理教授-鈣鈦礦光伏之生態毒理學量化暨低鉛洩漏鈣鈦礦電池結構開發

  • 刊登日期: 2023-02-20
申請系所(單位) 農藝學系
計畫主持人 邱琬貽 助理教授
計畫名稱(中文) 鈣鈦礦光伏之生態毒理學量化暨低鉛洩漏鈣鈦礦電池結構開發
計畫名稱(英文) Quantifying the Ecotoxicological Impact of Perovskite Photovoltaics and Development of Low Lead Leakage Perovskite Solar Cell.
共同主持人 化學工程學系 林玠廷 助理教授
協同主持人 土壤環境科學系 鄒裕民 終身特聘教授
中文摘要 為了達到2030淨零碳排的目標,發展可再生能源為國家未來的重點發展之一,而太陽能光伏(PV)則是透過將太陽能直接轉為電能,來達到減碳發電的目的。除了目前已經商用的矽太陽能電池之外,鈣鈦礦光電板開始走向規模化。鈣鈦礦材料的ABX3 晶體結構中的B位陽離子—鉛 (Pb2+),則存在將有害鉛化合物浸出到環境(例如水、土壤)中的重大風險,進而影響生態系統和人類健康。因此瞭解鈣鈦礦光伏對環境的影響,是實現其安全生產、使用和回收的關鍵第一步。本計畫旨在通過識別高性能鉛基鈣鈦礦光伏材料的含鉛浸出產物,以及深入分析它們在各種淡水、雨水以及土壤條件下的環境遷移率和生物有效性,來研究鈣鈦礦光伏的生態毒理學影響,並進一步開發低鉛含量之鈣鈦礦光伏及鉛補捉技術。
英文摘要 To achieve zero carbon emission in 2030, developing renewable energy becomes one of the main goals of National key development. Among the renewable energies, photovoltaics (PV) can generate power by converting solar energy into electricity directly, and it can thus reduce the reliability of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emission. In addition to the commercially available silicon solar cells, Perovskite solar cell is a promising emerging photovoltaic technology which is going to scale up in near future. However, the leakage of Pb2+ from the broken perovskite solar panel shows its risk of contaminating environments, e.g. water and soil, that can affect ecosystems and human health. Therefore, understanding the effects of perovskite on the environment is the first step in realizing how to produce, operate and recycle perovskite solar cells. This project aims to identify the leaked Pb compounds from high-performance perovskite, as well as to analyze the environmental mobility and bioavailability of these compounds in water and soil. We will also develop low lead-contained perovskite solar cells and a lead capture technology to minimize the ecotoxicology effects of perovskite.