植物病理學系 陳禮弘助理教授-結合新穎奈米材料與噴灑誘導基因靜默開發永續生化農藥

  • 刊登日期: 2024-01-11
申請系所(單位) 植物病理學系(所)
計畫主持人 陳禮弘 助理教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 結合新穎奈米材料與噴灑誘導基因靜默開發永續生化農藥
計畫名稱(英文) The combination of novel nanomaterials and spray-induced gene silencing for developing sustainable biochemical pesticides
共同主持人 1.化工系 姜文軒副教授 2.昆蟲系 乃育昕助理教授
中文摘要 噴灑誘導基因靜默是一個新穎的病蟲害防治策略,主要將設計的雙股RNA (dsRNA),噴灑到作物表面,當病原菌和害蟲吸收了dsRNA後,在體內誘導基因靜默,進而抑制其生長跟入侵。然而dsRNA在環境中易受酵素截切或是UV照射斷裂,因此如何提高dsRNA在田間的穩定度,將為本計畫欲解決之難題,透過跨領域合作,我們將利用細菌大量生產dsRNA,並以有機奈米材料包裹dsRNA成奈米粒子,將測試此奈米粒子是否能保護dsRNA,並且進入炭疽病菌和秋行軍蟲細胞內,產生基因靜默,防治炭疽病和秋行軍蟲,未來也期望能開發出永續生化農藥。
英文摘要 Spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS) is a novel disease control strategy that relies on spraying designed double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) onto the surface of the crop. Once the dsRNA is absorbed by the pathogenic fungi or pests, dsRNA induces gene silencing in the cell, thus inhibiting the invasion of pests or pathogens. However, dsRNA can be degraded by RNase or UV irradiation in the environment. Thus, how to improve the stability of dsRNA in the field will be a difficult problem to be solved. Through this interdisciplinary project, we will utilize bacteria to produce a high amount of dsRNA and encapsulate them into organic nanoparticles to test whether the nanoparticle can protect dsRNA and enter into the fungal and insect cells to induce gene silencing in Colletotrichum fungi and fall armyworm. We hope that SIGS will become a sustainable biochemical pesticide in the future.