
  • 刊登日期: 2020-04-06
申請系所(單位) 食品暨應用科技學系
計畫主持人 黃菁英 助理教授 ( 個人網頁 )
計畫名稱(中文) 利用即時腸道上皮電阻監控系統偵測腸道微生物與宿主交互作用設備之前期開發
計畫名稱(英文) Equipment development of real-time monitoring device for intestinal host- microbial interaction
共同主持人 蔣雅郁 助理教授 / 機械系
中文摘要 腸道上皮細胞由緊密連結蛋白(tight junctional proteins) 相互連接,構成身體內在環境與腸道物質間的物理性屏障。腸漏 (Leaky gut) – 於腸胃道研究中之科學用語稱為「腸道通透性增加」,透過與腸道微生物的相互作用,已知與腸炎、腸、代謝疾病、心血管疾病、 精神疾病與自體免疫疾病存在因果關係。量測腸道上皮細胞通透性 (intestinal epithelial permeability ) 是評估腸道物理性屏障功能的重要指標。然而現有量測設備存在諸多限制,包含其只能提供特定時間的TER值量測,以及測定時必須將培養盤自培養箱中取出,並僅能一次一孔洞進行紀錄,造成於操作過程中易產生汙染,並於細胞培養過程中產生時間以及培養環境的誤差。且手持式量測容易因每次量測位置不同,而產生每次量測基準值間的變異。此外,取出細胞量測時,也會造成培養箱內的溫度與氣體含量產生波動,在實驗設計上,更是無法連續呈現厭氧菌對腸道上皮細胞TER值影響的精準量測結果 。因此,本計劃欲突破當前對於腸道微生物之高通量快速檢測技術,以及資料庫僅於分子層次上分析之限制,開發量化腸道微生物對腸道上皮細胞造成物理性變化之高通量檢測儀器,提供相關領域研究嶄新的研究能量。
英文摘要 The intestinal epithelial cells, connected by the tight junctional proteins, forms the major physical gut barrier that separates the body proper from the intestinal contents. Leaky gut, also known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is a phenomenon that occurred when the intestinal barrier integrity loss and subsequently allowing the luminal substances to enter the bloodstream. The alteration of gut permeability has been closely linked in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), intestinal cancers, metabolic, cardiovascular, autoimmune, and neurophysiological diseases. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) is a widely used quantitative technique to measure the changes of tight junction-mediated barrier function in intestinal epithelial monolayers. TER values could reflect intestinal physical barriers changes when co-culture the cells with specific nutrients, microbial products, drugs, or chemicals. Multiple lines of evidence have demonstrated that the tight junction openings and closings are highly dynamic. However, several limitations exist in the current technique for TER measurement. To date, it has not been possible to measure the real-time TER changes, especially when the cells cultured in specific atmospheric conditions. It is also challenging to collect big data when using classic TER measurement methods. In the current project, the real-time monitoring device will be developed and bring unprecedented insights into the field of study interactions between epithelial barrier function and modulating factors.